Watch John Disappear


Where Will John
Weigh In Next?

Week of July 24:

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© 2002-2006
John McMullen
All Rights Reserved

Hi Friends,

Starting July 31, we're breathing some new life into this part of the website.

On Thursday, April 6, 2006, I weighed in on the air at what we believed to be 295 pounds. I'm 6' 0.5", 42 years old, and my Body Fat is 36.5%. My Body Mass Index is 40. I have been diagnosed with Syndrome X, a triumvirate of issues that include troublesome blood pressure, blood sugar and cholesterol. I have Type 2 Adult Onset Diabetes which is treated, for now, with oral medication.

Unfortunately, we have found there to be significant discrepancies in the scales that were used from the outset of the program. And, because we cannot be certain of what my actual weight was on April 6th. We have an approximate idea that it may have been around 315 pounds, based upon actual body fat measurements.

Watch John Disappear is a success story! I have already seen my body fat drop from 36.5% to 30.2% in the first 16 weeks. I have gone from having to wear a 44" waist to 38"! But, there's still much work to do. I am shooting for a goal of stepping on the scale on New Years Eve and seeing a number between 220 and 225 pounds. I want my Body Fat not to exceed 18%, my BMI to be under 25, my blood pressure to be 115/80, my blood sugars between 85 and 140.

So, armed with new scales, we go into Phase 2 of Watch John Disappear at 280 pounds. Can I shed 55 more pounds in 22 weeks? It's definitely achievable! In which case, we'll have well exceeded our original goal of losing 75 pounds.

With my great team of experts and my great audience's encouragement, we're off and running! I am creating this section of the website for you to follow the progress, access the information and perhaps be inspired to join me!

Stay up-to-date with the progress John is making, his new dietary discoveries and the challenges with his new lifestyle by visiting his Journal. Click on the link in the menu bar above.

Watch John Disappear! will be a regularly scheduled feature every other Thursday on the John McMullen Show in the 8 pm Pacific/11 pm Eastern hour. There will also be daily progress reports throughout the rest of the year. If you're not yet a subsciber, visit John's SIRIUS Satellite Radio Online Store and save money on a new receiver today! Click on the SIRIUS logo below.

Dr. Steve is a highly regarded practitioner in the Los Angeles area and has worked with a number of clients in the entertainment industry, including Steven Spielberg, Robin Williams, Sylvester Stallone and Britney Spears.

Dr. Steve will be overseeing the nutritional components of John's weight loss program, working with the right kinds of foods, vitamins and supplements to augment the fitness program in order to help John achieve his goal by the end of the year. The diet that John is on is a customized form of the South Beach Diet.

Sam Francis was a fat teenager. Today, he's a certified fitness trainer in Los Angeles working with the producers of Extreme Makeover: Home Edition, Fear Factor and other hit television shows. He operates two fitness studios, Sam Francis Fitness, one in Hollywood and the other in Glendale, CA.

Sam will be working with John a minimum of three times each week in the gym. The focus will be both cardio and strengthening exercise. It's going to take a lot of it since John needs to burn 7,000 calories a week more than he takes in.

Dr. Paul Chambliss, MD, has a general practice in New York City and has been John's doctor for the past three years. As a regular contributor on the John McMullen Show each Thursday night with Dr. Paul's House Call, he will also participate in the multi-faceted effort to help John get into better shape.

Dr. Chambliss will address John's medical concerns where drugs and blood tests are concerned.

Dr. Chambliss is a member of the GLMA.